Last Sunday, the soccer team I manage, the first place seed
in the state championship tournament, qualified for the semi-final game. It was
immediately brought to my attention that this game, scheduled for the following
Saturday morning, conflicted with the plans of several of our players taking
the SAT exam.
TVSC 95 Girls Blue "Samba": U-18 Division 1 State Semi-finalists |
Therefore, I checked the Arizona Youth Soccer Association
(AYSA) website to read the rules about rescheduling games. It listed SAT/ACT
exams as the number one priority. Next, I informed our coach and we approached
the coach of our semi-final opponents, who had just won their semi-finalist
spot on the field next to us. This coach had no problem moving the game to an
afternoon start time. I told them I’d call the AYSA on Monday morning to
request the change.
I did. The AYSA administrator told me to put the request in
writing, and to include the reason and that we had already discussed the
change with the opposing team. By the way, it’s a tough opponent with a current
state rank of #3. We are ranked #13 (in spite of our seeding in the tournament). We need all our players.
Monday afternoon we received notice that the game was
rescheduled to 1:50 p.m. Although this time would only give our test-takers one
hour and 20 minutes from test end to game start, we were thankful for the
change. We understood our players would be late to the field (it’s a 1.5 hour
drive from Tucson to Casa Grande/ Grande Sports Complex), and that they’d have
no warm-up; however, we were willing to accept this compromise.
Unfortunately, the story doesn’t end with this compromise.
The next day, Tuesday, I received an email asking if we could change the game
to Friday night in Phoenix. I knew we were unavailable because, for one, our
team captain was performing in a school play—the drama department’s senior
swan song—and several of our girls planned to attend. Then I received an email
asking how many of our girls were taking the SAT. I responded, “four.”
On Wednesday, I received yet another email indicating that
the game had been rescheduled again. It was moved to a 12:45 start. I had to read
the email twice to make sure I was reading correctly.
How could this be? It meant that our test-takers would be
lucky to make it to the field for maybe the last 15 minutes of the 90-minute
game. And this scenario meant they’d need to put down their pencils, grab their
soccer bags, change in the car and have their drivers speed up I-10 with a
prayer that the Interstate corridor connecting Tucson and Phoenix, which is
often plagued with roll-overs, fender-benders and haboobs (!) would be traffic
jam free.
In other words, a 12:45 start time was NOT a workable option
for us. So, before I sent word to the team, I called the AYSA office to find
out why the game had been rescheduled again.
Did I get a straight answer? Absolutely not. You’d think I had
asked this administrator to reveal her weight. Or her politics? Her views on
the death penalty or abortion? What ensued was a crazy, even shocking
This is how I worded my inquiry: “I just received word about
the U-18 game being rescheduled again and before I inform the team, I’d like to
be able to tell them the reason why it was changed.”
This is the response I received: “It was a compromise. All
the U-17 and U-18 games needed to be rescheduled for a variety of reasons, and
we did our best to accommodate the most people. There wasn’t an easy way to do
it without impacting someone.”
I reminded her that the first change was a compromise for us
and that it had an impact. I added
that the new change was unworkable, and then asked again: “Would you
please tell me the specific reason that our game was changed?”
Obviously, I pressed a button that switched on this woman’s defenses.
She immediately went on the attack. First she told me that I was the ONLY one
who wasn’t accepting this current compromise. Given that I called her about 15
minutes after receiving the change I was surprised that she had already heard
from EVERY OTHER manager, coach, player and parent affected. But I let that
slide. I repeated the question until I finally got her to say that the opposing
team had five players going to prom that evening.
Yes, she said “prom.”
Samba Goes to the Prom |
Now believe me, I understand that prom is important to U-17
and U-18 girls and I also understand that after ACT/SAT exams and coaches with
multiple teams/conflicts, consideration of proms ranks #3 on the list of
priorities for rescheduling consideration. What I didn’t understand was, why would
a game scheduled for 1:50 p.m. (90 minutes of play plus 10-minutes halftime break) affect girls attending a prom that evening? Yes, they faced
a one-hour drive from field to salon, but is that still not enough time to get
their hair and nails done and enjoy the full evening?
Samba Goes to the Prom |
In Tucson, our proms began at 7:30 p.m. Those attending the
pre-prom dinner we hosted arrived at 6pm. I realize it takes some girls longer
to get ready than others, however, if you can’t accomplish this in 2.5 hours,
something’s wrong. It’s not the Oscars for pity’s sake!
“What time does their prom start?” I asked the
“Photos begin at 4pm,” she said.
Yes, photos. I had to refer to the AYSA priority list again
for rescheduling:
Source: |
You can see for yourself, there’s NO mention of prom PHOTOS.
“So let me get this straight,” I said. “The answer to my
question regarding the specific reason the game was changed was that the team
we’re playing has prom photos and that prom photos took priority over the SAT
She would not admit this and I understand why. It was TOO
“Look,” she said, “Everyone needs to compromise. You’ll just
have to accept that your girls will arrive late but it evens out because their
girls will need to leave early.”
Even more ridiculous. I was supposed to accept that our
girls would miss most of the game AND believe that the other team’s coach was
going to let five of his girls leave the state semi-finals early in order to
primp for prom?
On what planet?
I wish I could say it ended there. I figured this was going
to be my last call ever to the AYSA so I might as well make the most of it. I
kept trying to get her to answer my question—to admit specifically why the AYSA
made this scheduling decision— and she amped up her personal attack.
I think it’s fair to say that this woman CRACKED. She called
me “pitiful.” She suggested that I (and my team) “are always crying ‘poor-poor
me’ and the ‘AYSA is always out to get me!’ ” She said I was spinning the
situation to be in line with my consistent claims that the AYSA is always
treating our team unfairly.
“Really?” I asked? “You’re really going to insult me like
this instead of simply answer my question?“ I told her she didn’t know me nor
did she seem to understand our team’s history and the problems we’ve faced with
scheduling games with this league.
“Oh we ALL know who you are,” she spit . . .
She went on to hurl insults not worth repeating because she
was clearly confused, highly stressed and unable to face the consequences of
her actions. Not only did she not follow the rules of the AYSA, but also she
was so caught up in defending her actions that I can only conclude she was
guilty of giving preferential treatment to the Phoenix-based team. That’s an
obvious no-no she wasn’t going to admit.
Instead she opted to take the avenue of turning the
situation on me by insulting me, and accusing me of being uncompromising and
pitiful. In some circles, that’s called “victim
It was difficult to keep my composure, but I did. Yes, I was upset on behalf of my team;
however, I knew I was perfectly within my rights to have made that call, and I
believed my team deserved an honest explanation.
Further, I knew the administrator with whom I was speaking
had faced a very difficult task and obviously had a lot of pressure from
parents calling in on behalf of their daughters’ upcoming photo sessions. I
understood she had a lot more people with whom she had to deal than I, and I
didn’t envy her for this job. It was clear to me that she was unable to
properly handle the pressure in a professional manner.
A wise person once told me: “There will always be someone
who is worse off than you.” That is a certain truth. And on that afternoon it
was this AYSA administrator.
I ended the conversation by saying that since I managed a
U-18 team it would be the last time she had to deal with this pitiful,
uncompromising person—me—and also said, for the record, that I was very
disappointed in her language and her unprofessional demeanor.
“Well, I’m sorry you feel that way,” she said sarcastically.
Clearly, she wasn’t the least bit sorry.
I contacted the parents of players planning to take the SAT
and they all opted to reschedule the exam (it’s a $20 fee) because it was the
only workable option for our team.
So, we found a way to make this situation work because we
are neither pitiful nor uncompromising. On the contrary.
I’d like to point out that I believe my job as a manager is
to A: understand the problem, and then B: Find a way to solve the problem. We accomplished
this as a team, and the result is that none of our girls will be late for the
game on Saturday.
Meanwhile I wonder, will the prom girls on the opposing team
still leave early?
You can BET I’ll be watching.